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Grayson Taylor is an author and filmmaker from New York City. After writing his first full-length novel when he was seven, he authored over half a dozen action-adventure, sci-fi, mystery, and dystopian novels. He has also written and directed several films. He makes videos exploring the art of writing on YouTube.

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I make videos exploring writing, books, and my creative process on YouTube.
If you’re a writer, remember this.

If you’re a writer, remember this.

If you’re a writer, remember this.

Can a young writer ever write a great book?

Can a young writer ever write a great book?

Can a young writer ever write a great book?

12 simple concepts that will make you a better writer

12 simple concepts that will make you a better writer

12 simple concepts that will make you a better writer

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An award-winning novella

Available only to patrons. Join on Patreon to read the book.
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A dark science fiction novel

Coming this year from
Winter Forest Press
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An award-winning short film

If you had only one hour to live... what would you write?


Last Words (Soundtrack)
The Nature of Reality (Soundtrack)
Electric Rain
Dark Christmas
The Music of Fallen Nation
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The 5 steps to being a prolific writer

The 5 steps to being a prolific writer

The 5 steps to being a prolific writer

The most important reminder in life

The most important reminder in life

The most important reminder in life

A year of learning

A year of learning

A year of learning

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